Monday, April 4, 2011


It is official.
The countdown has started: in two days I will be signing papers to regain possession of the space, in two weeks I will start painting floors and walls, building new shelving, shoveling books back on the shelf and any time around May 1st is good to be back in business.
Lots of people have been asking how the vacation was and the answer that came into my mind was never the one I resigned to utter. It was no vacation.
Vacation is picking a book or two off of an overflowing shelf, pack them into your suitcase, put two to three weeks vacation leave notice at work, book a flight to a remote and exotic destination, and then come back to thirsty house plants and a jammed mail box.
These were four long months of feeling like a mama cat when her newly born kittens are being taken away to give them up for adoption. She keeps sniffing her nest and looking around to no avail without understanding exactly what happened and ,nonetheless, being unable to give up the search. That is not a feeling you should be hoping to experience when planning your vacation.
All I said instead was: yeah, sure,but it is now time to come back.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm...
    Book a flight to a remote and exotic destination?
    Sardinia, of course!!!

    Questa storia sulla mamma gatta che fiuta intorno, alla ricerca dei piccoli…
    Perché dovrebbe valere nei confronti dei pargoli libri e non dei pargoli bipedi?
    Si vagheggiano destinazioni esotiche e intanto si spedisce un pacco dono sull’isola dei nuraghes.
    Occhio eh, esiste sempre la possibilità di rispedire la prole al mittente con addebito delle spese postali.
    Oppure confidi che il social network delle mamme d’Italia si mobiliti contro il Consiglio dei Saggi?
    Attenzione che, il suddetto Consiglio, potrebbe deliberare a sua volta di convocare la prossima seduta plenaria sulla playa de Copacabana.

    Baci, tieni botta che la meta è vicina.
